Your Self-Identity is Fiction

You are who you are thanks to a combination of factors: genetics, upbringing, experiences, and more. But that doesn’t mean that “self identity” is real. In fact, it’s just fiction. What you think about yourself — and your various characteristics — is not real at all. It’s just stories we tell ourselves about who we are as individuals. This article will explore the concept of self-identity and why it isn’t real. Discover more about the origin of self-identity in this article so you can see how this belief system came to be and why it’s detrimental to your well-being should you continue to believe in it as truth.

How Self-Identity Is Built

Self-identity is a combination of all the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we are like, and what we are good/bad at. These stories are built over a lifetime and include genetics, upbringing, experiences, and thoughts/feelings we’ve had throughout our lives that have shaped our self-definition. Self-identity is a story we tell ourselves about who we are and is not real. It is not something that exists beyond your own perception of yourself. And because it is a fiction, self-identity is a malleable thing that can be rewritten — provided you are willing to do the work to change it.

Why We Confuse Self-Identity For Reality

Self-identity is a concept that many people believe to be real, when in fact it is just a concept. Real things are tangible, concrete, and provable. “Self-identity” is none of these things. Some people might claim that self-identity is a feeling, an emotion, or something that happens inside the mind. But these are not tangible things either. What’s more, the things that happen inside your mind are not the same as the things that happen in the real world. Emotions, thoughts, and feelings are not the same as facts.

The Problems With Self-Identity

The biggest problem with self-identity is that it creates unhealthy beliefs about yourself and the world. If you believe that some aspects of your life are set in stone because of your identity then you are setting yourself up for feelings of frustration and failure when you cannot accomplish your goals. If you believe that some parts of yourself are “bad” then you are likely to feel guilty or ashamed of those traits, which is a recipe for self-loathing and mental illness. Any time we believe something without proof, we are being irrational. And that can cause serious problems in our lives. If you believe that your genes have predestined you to be a certain way, then you may be less motivated or even less capable of changing your life for the better. If you believe that your upbringing has determined who you are as a person, then you may feel that you have no control over your life. If you believe that your experiences have made you who you are, then you may be unable to move past your past and see the possibility for a brighter future.

Two Stories About Who You Are

Self-identity is made up of many stories, but two of them are especially important. “I am a person who is _______” and “I am a person who _______” are the two overarching narratives that shape your self-image. If you want to improve your self-image and the way you see yourself, you will want to work to change those stories. You can do this in a couple of ways. First, you can rewrite the stories by adding new details and plot points to them. Second, you can change the endings so that they aren’t so negative and malleable.

A Better Way To Understand Yourself

Self-identity is not real, so it can be rewritten. First, you must recognize that your self-image is a story that has been written by you. It is not set in stone. You can change it. Once you know that, you can rewrite the story to be more positive and healthier. You can add new details and plot points to the story so that self-image becomes something you are proud of and is a positive force in your life. You can also rewrite the story so that it has a happier ending. Instead of having a story with a sad ending, you can rewrite the story so that you end up with a better life and a greater sense of self-worth.

Bottom Line

Self-identity is a concept that many people believe to be real, when in fact it is just a concept. Real things are tangible, concrete, and provable, but “self-identity” is none of these things. This concept, however, does shape your life and your perception of yourself. If you want to live a happier and healthier life, then you will want to rewrite the story of your self-identity to create a positive, empowering story that will help you be the best person you can be.

Shri Krishna & The Shankara Experience

Shri Krishna is a loving spiritual master, teacher, personal guide, clairvoyant, empath, and mystic. He has served thousands of earnest seekers by providing profound answers to their challenges and actionable guidance toward their Self-mastery. He helps spiritually-minded souls connect with their vast, expanded inner Selves to navigate any situation, transcend any circumstance, and liberate in every moment.

Shri Krishna’s mission is to help others source their boundless creativity and joy, embody virtue, heal the depths of their Beings, find the most resounding clarity, and master their lives. He created the divine portal Shankara as a living, relatable oracle to help humanity build inner pathways to The Unlimited, All-Knowing, All-Conscious Universe.

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Shri Krishna
Author: Shri Krishna

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